27 августа 2012

Бесконечные оргазмы - болезнь

Странное состояние организма, при котором женщина способна испытывать десятки оргазмов в день, вероятнее всего является расстройством нервно-эндокринной регуляции. И такое расстройство до сих пор не изучено до конца. Не существует и средств его исправления. Периодически появляются сообщения о таких женщинах. Вот очередное:
The 44-year-old nurse originally from Hertfordshire, England and now living in Montclair, N.J. says that she is constantly aroused and even the slightest of movements can trigger a full-blown climax.
Подробности на http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/11752/20120827/unusual-medical-condition-woman-orgasm-100-day.htm#yaptBssTAOY49A30.99

Все проблемы женщин - от мужчин! (в посте - шутка)

Улыбнуло :)

20 августа 2012

Мужская таблетка-контрацептив - уже на горизонте!

Давно идут разработки орального контрацептивного средства для мужчин. Вот и первые результаты такой работы: на мышах средство уже работает, осталось  немного. :) 
Подробности, в статье на abc:

Julie Steenhuysen

"There is no effect on the mouse's mojo. The animals exhibit the normal sexual behaviours and frequency of copulation," says Dr James Bradner of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Cell.In lab experiments, male mice given the pill were rendered completely infertile during treatment as they produced fewer and less mobile sperm. The drug, originally tested as part of a broader cancer research project, does not affect the hormone system or sex drive, according to the researchers.
What's more, the effect is completely reversible. Once doctors stopped giving the drug to mice, they were able to sire healthy litters, with no apparent side effects, says Bradner.
Scientists say the research is exciting because it applies a unique approach to the problem of male contraception, which is now largely comprised of less reliable methods like condom use, or more permanent procedures like vasectomies.
Bradner's lab focuses on developing new drugs to undermine the molecular memory of cancer cells that tell them to divide. Those memory markers are distributed throughout the genome, the DNA that makes up a person's genetic code, and Bradner likens them to post-it notes that give cells instructions.
Impedes sperm production
The team was experimenting with a compound developed in Bradner's lab called JQ1, which was originally synthesised at Dana-Farber to block BRD4, a cancer-causing gene.
They discovered that it appears to target a protein specific to the testes called BRDT that instructs sperm to mature. Bradner says the compound does not appear to do damage to sperm-making cells, but they forget how to create mature sperm while under the influence of the drug.

16 августа 2012

Облако слов о девочках

Вот о таком можно прочитать в этом блоге для девочек и не только. Облако из слов составила с помощью http://wordcloud.pagemon.net - пользуйтесь, весьма забавно.
Повеселили некоторые случайно образовавшиеся комбинации слов. Например: "вызывать овуляция", "интересный организм" и т.д. Можете ещё что-то высмотреть, авось улыбнётесь. :)

Золотое сечение, матка и фертильность

Удивительную статью нашла на http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/alexs-adventures-in-numberland/2012/aug/14/golden-ratio-uterus. Оказывается, даже идеальные размеры матки попадают под правило "золотого сечения". Исследователи из Бельгии проанализировали размеры матки женщин в разных возрастах и пришли к выводу, что в наиболее фертильное время (т.е. тогда, когда женщина имеет наиболее высокие шансы забеременеть) соотношение параметров матки близко к  заветному значению 1.618.
Подробности на английском:
Golden ratio discovered in uterus
Belgian gynaecologist measures reproductive organs of 5,000 women and finds that the most fertile have 'mathematically perfect' dimensions

The study suggests that when women are at their most fertile, between 16 and 20, the proportions of their uteruses reflect the golden ratio. Photograph: Alamy

The golden ratio is a scientific nugget that has, for at least two thousand years, belonged as much to mysticism as to mathematics.
It is just a number – 1.618 – but to its devotees the ratio expresses aesthetic perfection, and can be found wherever there is beauty.
For example, they argue that of all the rectangles in the world the most pleasing to the eye has a ratio of length to width of 1.618.
And of all the smiles in the world, they maintain that the most beautiful have their central incisors 1.618 wider than their lateral incisors, which are 1.618 wider than their canines, and so on down through the molars.
There are web pages devoted to where else on the human face you can find the golden ratio, which is also known as the golden section, golden proportion or golden mean.
Even though I am sceptical about many of these claims, it is undeniable that 1.618 can be found quite easily on the human form – even on ugly people.
For example, if you mark the tips of the knuckles on your finger with a pen, the distance between first and second knuckle is about 1.618 times the distance between the second and the third.